Catherine Gavin - How I’m exercising confidently with Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Did you know that June is Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness month? It's a time to bring attention to this often overlooked topic that affects many women. This month, we are dedicated to shedding light on Pelvic Organ Prolapse, raising awareness, and providing support to help fellow mums feel less isolated.

We want to show you that with the right support and specialised programme, it is indeed possible to safely return to exercise and regain confidence. In this blog we have the privilege of sharing Catherine Gavin’s story, a courageous member of She Moves, who graciously shares her personal journey with us. Join us as we delve into Catherine's story and find inspiration in her strength and resilience.

When did you find out you had Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

It was when I saw a pelvic health physiotherapist for a post birth warrant of fitness. This was after the birth of my first baby. 

How did you feel about this initially?

I was very active before having a baby so I had lots of emotions as you I’m sure you can understand. I felt angry and upset, thinking why and how would this would happen to me!

I remember going to my first baby and you course, six or so weeks after birth and another Mum had run there with their pram/baby. I could hardly go for a walk without symptoms and the need for a bathroom, so I was VERY frustrated that I was going through this.

It felt really unfair and I had many months post baby where I felt very upset about the state of my pelvic health. 

What did your journey back into exercise look like?

It was a very, very slow journey. I started with very gentle exercises, went to a Pilates instructor and was dabbling in other online fitness classes, before I found She Moves, which a friend recommended. 

Eventually, I started to enjoy exercise that was gentler on the pelvic floor, like yoga and biking, rather than any high impact exercise. For me, it was a huge mindset shift of what was a ‘proper’ workout was.

How did your She Moves membership support you on this journey back into exercise and feeling confident to move your body?

She Moves has helped me significantly, not only to help me recover and strengthen my pelvic floor. But to know that other woman are going through the same thing.

Your class Postpartum Pelvic Floor & Core Restore which really focuses on the Pelvic Floor and deep core activation has been key.

When I started, I was unable to engage my Pelvic Floor in a standing position, I could only do it lying down. I have come a long way! I now feel comfortable to engage my Pelvic Floor while exercising and know how to modify exercises and classes to manage my symptoms.

How do you modify the classes to work for you?

I usually stick to the low impact options, however, I can now do your High-Intensity Interval Training classes as I’ve slowly been building up!

I understand my body and know that some days it’s feeling good - I push on those days, other days and sometimes in specific movements it’s not so great so I just listen to my body pull back. I have now learnt loads of modifications. I still have bad days when I need low impact only. 

What advice would you give for someone who has just found out they have a prolapse?

  1. See a Women’s Health & Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

  2. Get started with She Moves ‘Postpartum Pelvic Floor & Core Restore’ class! Try a free class here

  3. Find others that have been through similar issues, through a community like She Moves or other community groups. Know you are not alone in your struggles.

  4. Hang in there and on your return to exercise be patient with your body. I am two years postpartum and while I’ve come along way I still I can't do everything I want to. It’s slow and steady.

What are your exercise goals for the future?

I am training for a 50km mountain bike event later in the year! I can do a short run now and would love to build this up over time and be able to run more regularly.

We hope you found reading this blog helpful and reassuring! There is so much help available and exercise really can be achievable with the right support. If you are after more information on Prolapse then please check out out social media accounts this month as we’ll be posting loads of helpful content! The links below will also provide more helpful information.

Helpful links

What is a prolapse? Let’s talk about it!

Listen to the podcast: “Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Let’s talk about it!”

Pelvic Floor 101

Should I see a women’s health physio?

Book in for a Pelvic Floor Physio Referal

Email the She Moves team for extra help and support:


Alyssa Sherring - Pelvic Organ Prolapse won’t stop me from exercise!


Morning sickness and the realities of keeping active in Trimester One